Friday, November 21, 2014

A Strange Kind of Anniversary

We pray for big things and forget to give thanks for the ordinary, small (and yet really not small) gifts.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Here at the Wicker house, we love to celebrate.  We celebrate birthdays and holidays like everyone else but also weird things.  We have celebrated dirty diapers, because there was a time when we did not know this would be possible.  We celebrate when the cardiologist says, You're doing so well that I do not have to see you guys back for another six months.  And we celebrate each and every milestone.  This month those milestones have been pulling to standing, crawling the right way, and several new words and signs including her favorite, the word no. This week we are celebrating something very special: a full year without any hospitalizations.  That, my friends, seems like a miracle.  It is something we did not dare to even imagine when we were in the thick of it.  Happy One Year with No Hospitalization Anniversary, Willow!

Above is a picture of Baby Girl one year ago when she was last hospitalized at Greenville Children's Hospital.   Below are some of Willow's most recent pictures.  What do we do with our time now that we are not spending it in hospitals?  Well, you know, dress up like Star Wars characters, go to the beach, and generally act sassy.