Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Adoption Announcement

Josh and I are excited to announce the newest member of our family, Rey.  She is four and a half and came to our family via international adoption.  I have always felt I would become a mother in some non-traditional manner either via adoption or foster care.  It has been something that has been a part of my family starting with the adoption of my younger brother when I was in fourth grade.  It changed our family forever.  I believe that vulnerable children are part of the heart of Jesus, and as Christians, they should be part of our hearts as well.

Before we met Rey, Josh and I were able to do some touristy things in Beijing including touring Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City, attending an acrobatic show, and climbing the Great Wall, which has always been on my bucket list.  Thanks to getting back in shape at the Sweatbox, I did not die in the process.

Look closely.  Those are tarantulas.

We finally met this sweet face, who up until now we had only seen in pictures.  She was more beautiful even than in her picture.  She is sweet-natured, but I can already tell she will be my boundary-pusher.  She can eat her weight in noodles, loves twirly dresses, sings constantly, has a carefree run (think Phoebe on Friends), and belly laughs so hard that sometimes it ends in a high-pitched squeak that sends Willow into laughter starting the whole cycle over again.  We love her so much already and in a way I did not feel could be possible when our hearts were already so full.  We are working on establishing our boundaries and authority as parents while also earning her love and trust.  This takes up most of our daily energy and patience, but it is so worth it.

This is when we found that she can eat her weight in noodles.

Shades are fun.

Painted nails

Pearl River Cruise

Starting to warm up to daddy.

We are thrilled beyond words by the newest addition to our family.  We also recognize that, though adoption is beautiful, it is also always preceded by pain and loss.  We acknowledge and respect this.  Rey's background story is for her to tell if she chooses.  We ask that you respect that and just do not ask.  I hope these pictures will push others to pursue helping vulnerable children, because they are just children who need love, respect, dignity, nutrition, education, discipline, and all of the other things that all our children need.  There are so many opportunities to get involved: foster care, adoption, mentorship, crisis pregnancy care, and improvement of educational/job opportunities for moms.  Find where you are gifted.  And do something.  If you are interested in discussing these things, I would love to share a glass of wine or cup of tea.

I will close with these words from my friend Christy Irons, because I could not say it any better than she does.

I have become convinced that to be indifferent, to do nothing, to ignore, to refuse to act, to stand back and allow broken and wounded populations to continue to suffer... this is the great sin of our lifetime.  We are a generation of emotionally paralyzed people, and thus our behaviors become paralyzed.  We spend so much time waiting for a sign, a signal, a calling... that we forget to DO.  This simply must change.  We as humans, as fellow travelers in this life, in this moment, must work, and work HARD to change what is unjust.  The moment is now.  Stalling has only ever cost us liberties, time, and lives.  The procrastination just isn't worth the price.

GO and DO.
Change the world.
Change a life, and in so doing change YOUR life
Pay attention to the brokenness.
Give generously.
Love big and refuse to look back.
Even when it is hard, you will never regret it.

There is more to come including photos of the sisters together in some traditional Chinese dresses I bought.  The cuteness may just break the internet.

Thanks my mom and dad for keeping our Willow safe and happy in our absence.  Thanks to the rest of our families for being supportive and prayerful.  Thank you to our Greenwood community as I know you will welcome our newest little with open arms.  Thanks to my beautiful neighbors who took care of our kittens, started our cars, and stocked our groceries.  You guys are the best for this and for resisting the urge to rush over and squeeze Rey the moment we got home.  I know it was tempting.