Sunday, January 4, 2015

Happy New Thanks-Christmas!

But the angel said to them, Do not be afraid! Listen carefully, for I proclaim to you good news that brings great joy to all the people.

Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and Happy New Years from the Wickers.  Yes, it has been that long since I have last blogged.  Please insert appropriately apologetic excuse here.  I hope that you all have enjoyed your families, friends, and communities as much as I have during these holidays.  We went to Charleston for almost a full week to visit my family.  Everyone was there: my sister and her husband all of the way from Haiti, my younger brother who is usually too busy taking over the world to stay anywhere more than twenty four hours, and my older brother, his wife, and their three kiddos.   Of course my parents, Babushka and Grandpa, were there as well as my Nanee, but they somehow did not end up in any of my pictures.  This is what happens when you have kids around, I guess.  I do have one picture of my Nanee in her bathrobe Christmas morning, and even though she looks like a movie star even in a bathrobe, I am pretty sure she would faint if I ever posted it (or swoon. I think that's what its called when Southern belles do it).  I remember my brother (pre-kids) teasing his wife's family about how all they did is sit around and watch kids all day long. Now, with four kids in our family, that's pretty much what we do.  And I tell you, it's actually pretty entertaining.  The week was beautiful and chaotic.  We tried to fit in all of the traditions we had missed the past several years: Santa, presents, James Island County lights, White Christmas, a Christmas Story, Elf, Babushka reading the Christmas story, and a new one, a backyard oyster roast.

Y'all, I cannot even begin to name all of the things I am grateful for this year. But to name a few:
1.) I am thankful for the messy, refining, and wonderful thing that is family.
2.) I am thankful for our small community of Greenwood where Publix is a big deal and we know all of our neighbors.
2.) I am thankful that 2014 has been a healthier year than 2013 and that we have seen fewer IV's, OR's, and ER's.
3.) I am thankful for adoption that has brought so many lovely souls into our family over the years.
4.) I am thankful that for the first time in a very long time I had both Thanksgiving and Christmas off in the same year.
5.) I am thankful for God who is ever present in joyful times and even more in trials.

Below are some pictures of the merriment:

Boyish charm in an old man sweater.


Look what I found.

Talking on the Phone.... or a toothbrush...or whatever, y'all. I think this may be a glimpse into our teen years.

Uncle Kiss [Chris] working on the legos. It's serious business.

Dads make great jungle gyms.

Rockstar in the making

With all of the new presents from family and Santa, one of his favorites was this mustache whistle that he got as a prize out of the poppers we had at the dinner table.  Go figure.

I am just so happy to be here for Christmas!  And my older cousins are the best.

Concentrating hard

Someone play with me... please.

Wherever there is a Josh, there are board games.

Concentration. How do I work this thing?

I can now play the harmonica and the guitar at the same time.  Get your autographs now, folks, because one day he will be way too famous for all of us. 

I've got ya', Baby Wee-yoh!

Pig tails and Christmas dresses.

Oh, and then there is the challenge of trying to take pictures of four kids at the same time.  Somebody is distracted by their new watch.

Now only one is looking. But look at the adorable moment captured to the left.

I think this is the best one that I got even with the mustache whistle.

Wicker wish list for 2015:
1.) I pray that this year will be the year of walking for Willow. Dear Lord, for the sake of our backs, puhleez.
2.) I pray that Willow will be able to wear a bikini this summer at the beach because she has had her PEG tube removed (tentative plans for removal in February 2015).
3.) I pray that we will find a church family and settle in.  We have been roaming since our church plant closed down over a year ago and still miss our Oasis family many Sundays.  But it is time.  It is time to plant our feet somewhere and stay. We have been hurt by the church, and church is hard, especially for families of children with special needs.  But it is time.  (Read about why church is difficult for families like mine here.)

Thank you all for reading my journey. Thank you for your gracious, kind words. Thank you for sharing your stories with me.


  1. Once again, your words find their way straight into my heart.

    1. Beth,
      Thanks for being one of the great encouragers of my writing.

  2. Looks like my first comment was deleted. I love these pictures and am praying for the right church for you (though my prayers may be slanted in favor of Gwd ARP who could use you two and Willow to light their halls!). World Mag online had an interview that had a great quote for you: You are participating in greatness!

    1. Grace, Thanks so much for reading and for your encouragement. Gwd ARP is the home church to several of my friends including Laurel who I think you know.

  3. I just saw your blog on a friends Facebook page and read it for the first time. I love how transparent and real you are! You don't know me but my sister and brother-in-law know you guys and were part of your church plant....Matt and Kristy Atkinson. My sister and I talk about your sweet Willow pretty much every time she is home. She always scrolls past some sweet picture of your baby girl and we talk about how precious she is and how we both just want to take her home :). She is absolutely adorable! I also think you know Kristi Ford (Scales). My husband and I are in small group with her and her husband. We just love them! Anyway...I LOVED reading your blog! I hope 2015 is everything you want and more!

    (I hope my comment doesn't post twice....I wrote it and hit publish but wasn't logged in so when it logged me it my comment disappeared. I rewrote it and hopefully it only post this one :) ).

    Jamie Brock

    1. Jamie,
      So many connections. I love both of the couples that you mentioned. Thank you for reading my blog. I appreciate it and your encouraging comments. Surely if you live in Greenwood, we will cross paths sometime in the near future.
