Friday, August 15, 2014

Ode to the Stay at Home Dad

Alot gets written about stay-home-moms.  I love stay-at-home-moms. You are my friends and sisters, and I respect your choice.  I thought I would write a little something about a less-common choice, the stay-at-home-dad.  When Willow was born, I was a resident physician.  I could not quit my job to care for Willow. We were up to our eyeballs in school debt, and I had the insurance. Also typical childcare would be difficult since I worked erratic hours and Willow had so many medical needs. Josh, at that time, was working as an animal removal specialist for a company.  He loved his job, and was REALLY good at it.  The company still calls him periodically to see if he will come back, and all of our family and friends still call him for consultations.  However, we decided together that it would make most sense for him to stay at home.  And so he did.  Like a good husband and father, he did what it took to provide for our family.  And in our case, that meant staying at home with our baby.  It is not traditional or normal, but we have never claimed to be either of those things.  It is not for everybody, but it works for us.  This post is for you, stay-at-home dads. I think you rock, and here are a few reasons why.

1.) SAHD's don't sweat the small stuff.  My child may not get out of her pajamas all day, and her hair may be a mess.  She definitely does not eat organic, and her bathing is erratic at best.  But she is clothed (most of the time) and always fed.  She is bathed (enough).  Her hair will probably always be a challenge.  But she's always happy and having a good time, and THAT is what matters. The pictures below may have been taken in the middle of the afternoon, and my kid may still be in her pajamas.

2.) Your kids learn all sorts of cool new tricks.  For instance, being married to a nerd, I came home one day to find that my daughter had learned a new trick.  What do zombies say, Willow? Without missing a beat, Willow would respond with a perfect zombie imitations.  This is what happens when you leave a man with a baby.  She cannot say mama, but she can imitate a zombie.

3.) SAHD's make it look easy.  When I go out, I bring a diaper bag packed to the brim, my purse, and whatever else I have chosen to bring with me that day.  I look like I'm packing for vacation, and I always look awkward.  Josh throws the baby on his hip, a diaper and a few wipes in his pocket, and he is good to go.  Easy, peasy.

4.) There are no daddy wars, at least not that I am aware of.  Perhaps it is because, at least where we live, there aren't many SAHD's.  But perhaps its because they do not find the need to compete with each other like moms sometimes do.  They are way too cool for that.

5.) SAHD's can make anything look manly.  Anyone can make a tool belt or a gun look manly.  But our guys can make a baby, a sippy cup, and a diaper bag look manly.  Now THAT takes skill.

6.) It is always good for a man to provide for his family no matter how.  For some men this means providing monetarily. For some men, this means providing the childcare and the majority of the child-rearing.  Either way, we thank you.  We need you, and our children need you.

Well, that's all for now.  Stay-at-home-dads, this is for you. Keep rocking it.  Our kids are lucky to have you.

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